09 November 2006

House + Senate - Rumsfeld = Awesome

I consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican, mainly because I prefer thinking for myself and don't like to attach a label to the aggregate of my political and social views. But on the whole, I find the Democrats to be the far saner party in this country.

That being said, WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!

I expected the House. The Senate was an agreeable surprise. And the resignation of Rumsfeld was a totally unexpected delight, not only in that the bastard is now gone, but in that the timing was such as to be an obvious display of concession.

Bush's discomfort during yesterday's press conference was palpable. He was stumbling, laughing at his own bad jokes, and disgracing the English language, all more than he usually does. What's more, he took responsibility for the election losses. I'm going to repeat that. He took responsibility for something.

Oh brave new world, that has such a Congress in't!

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