17 April 2009

Fascism and Tyranny: Look Those Up, Too

They’re marching us to a brand of non-violent fascism. Or to put it another way, they’re marching us to 1984. Big Brother … Like it or not, fascism is on the rise.
-Glenn Beck, April 2009

To Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and others warning of the rise of totalitarianism in America:

Do you know what 'irony' is? Let me put it this way: YOUR OWN SUCCESS REFUTES YOUR ARGUMENTS. If America were a tyranny, your vicious attacks on the government would get you shot in the head - or, if fortunate, "disappeared" to some bleak internment hellscape.

Have you ever actually *read* 1984, Glenn? Do you know what Big Brother would do to someone as critical of the government as yourself? I'll give you a hint: it involves your face, a narrow, enclosed space, and some very hungry rats.

You see, tyranny cannot tolerate dissent. That's what makes it a tyranny. You, however, are strongly - even excessively - critical of the government, and instead of being beaten, tortured, and killed, you are enjoying money, fame, and success.

Q.E.D. Thank you for proving yourselves wrong.

Where was your alarmist shrieking about tyranny during the Bush administration? Obama's bailouts and healthcare reform smack of totalitarianism, but secret prisons, mandated torture, and warrantless arrests and wiretaps - just healthy aspects of any free, democratic society?

Go buy a dictionary - you've got a lot to look up. Start with the letter 'i': 'irony', 'inconsistency,' and 'imbecilic'.

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