16 April 2008

The Conceit of the Faithful

CNN: Crash Survivor: God 'still has work for us to do'

A missionary family from Minnesota is glad to be alive and together after surviving a plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the father said Wednesday.

"We couldn't believe that our family of four could all escape a plane that was crashed and on fire, but by God's mercy, we did," he said.

Mosier said he believes the family made it for a reason.

"I think the Lord has a plan for us, otherwise we wouldn't have survived," he said. "He still has work for us to do."

I don't know who's more insufferable: these conceited jerks, or the arbitrary jerk of a god in which they believe.

When a survivor of a crash that killed more than thirty others says he's alive because god 'has a plan' for him, he's implying that God's "plan" for the others was simply to let them die. So why didn't they get a better plan? Were they too unfaithful? Too... black? Or did god just not feel like letting them live? In the end, God's either a stickler, a racist, or an indifferent slob.

My, how easily faith in a god above can become faith in one's own personal superiority on the earth below!